Hero’s devastated … Ford … Demonstrates arrogance! Gives raises to insiders, but not our hero’s!

Hero’s devastated … Ford … Demonstrates arrogance! Gives raises to insiders, but not our hero’s! What kind of leader praises workers as hero’s but treats his insiders and male dominated professions (police and fire fighters) with special large financial raises(at least 100% more ) while denying principle dominated female professions (nurses and teachers) with contempt….

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Making Money with your Ideas – be an Innoventeur

Making Money with your Ideas Be an Innoventeur… there are lots of ways to make money with your ideas, inventions, innovations, business improvements, etc.  Use your Creative Innoventeur Force. The key is to monetize them at what ever level you envision.  For the best benefit, you must think BIG, but be practical, otherwise it could…

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Bitcoin – moving currency globally

Bitcoin – started close to ten years ago, now is going global, with daily mentions on mainstream news. Major players from all fields of success, including bankers and financial agencies, government and global traders are seeking to find ways to benefit from the underlying software called blockchain. Every day news breaks where agencies and major…

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Be Proactive to be Creative

Be Proactive to be Creative, one of your keys to new ideas on a regular basis. An active creativity will boost your productivity. You have the Freedom to choose your response to stimulus. Develop your self awareness, imagination conscience and exercise your independent will. So, what does proactive mean to you?  For me, it’s about…

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2024 – year of the Innoventeur

2024 is the year of the Innoventeur! Business people / entrepreneurs need to focus on innovation to survive! They need to be able to pivot when necessary, offering new innovative solutions. Welcome to the world of the Innoventeur! Innovator and business talent! Push forward with 2024 and keep innovation at the forefront of your business!

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